An urgent message from the Office of the City Commissioners of Philadelphia

Yu-Shan Chou

Language Access and Engagement Specialist

Office of the City Commissioners

1400 John F Kennedy Blvd Room 142

Philadelphia, PA 19107

1400 John F Kennedy Blvd Room 142

Philadelphia, PA 19107

Good morning everyone,

The election may be over, but mail-in ballots from voters with unverifiable identification are still pending. The Philadelphia Board of Elections is awaiting ID verification from these voters in order to count their ballots.

Below are the links to the webpage with the updated list and the ID verification form. Please help spread the word and inform people that they have until November 12 to verify their identification if their names appear on the list.

Thank you for your support in helping ensure every vote is counted.

Below are the links to the ID verification forms for English, Spanish, and Traditional Chinese, in case you know someone who might need to access them.


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