
Showing posts from May, 2023

WHAT ARE RIGHT TO BE'S 5DS? Stop Hate- AAJC Resources

 THE 5DS OF BYSTANDER INTERVENTION WHY IS IT IMPORTANT TO RESPOND AS A BYSTANDER? The concept of bystander intervention is really simple: it’s people helping people. We have worked to translate some of our resources and make them more accessible. Read this guide in Arabic, Burmese, French, Spanish and Indonesian. * If someone had a medical emergency, you’d know what to do. If someone dropped their hat on the street, you’d know what to do. But when people witness online harassment, they freeze. They don’t know what to do. And for good reason: the consequences of action (or inaction) online are unclear and unpredictable -- and worse, we’ve started seeing online abuse as normal. We told ourselves there is nothing we can do. But that simply isn’t true. Bystander intervention online is simply overcoming that “freezing” instinct so we can get back to that very human desire to take care of one another. It’s not about being the hero. It’s not about strapping on superhero spandex and saving the