
Showing posts from October, 2021

Tuesday, November 2, is Election Day in Pennsylvania

参与地区性及中期选举尤其突显,  华裔社区要再接再厉,坚持不懈参与选举投票! 无论什麽职位, 投票建瓯市发言! 发声!  投票就会让人另眼相看!! Election Day is: Tuesday, November 2, is Election Day in Pennsylvania. Do you know how you’ll be voting? -If you requested a mail ballot, and you still want to vote by mail: Fill out your ballot and return it directly to your county board of elections or a designated drop off location by 8 p.m. on Tuesday. Mail ballots must be received by Tuesday, November 2nd at 8 p.m. for your ballot to be counted. Postmarks do not count. -If you want to vote in person on Election Day, and did not request a mail ballot: You can find your polling place at . Polls are open from 7 a.m. to 8 p.m. If you are in line at 8 p.m., you may still vote. -If you are voting for the first time ever or voting for the first time at a new polling place, make sure you’re ready to vote with our information for first-time voters . -If you requested a mail ballot, but would now like to vote in person: registered voters can always vote

无论你在哪个城市, 最后的冲刺需要你-最后的胜利也属于你!-Last Push to the Sweet Victory!!

The most recent Poll finds Michelle Wu has a commanding lead over Annissa Essaibi George in Boston mayoral race 2021全美华裔亚裔声援吴弭胜选波士顿市长 最后的呼吁与挑战! 同心协力,赞出来,出力,出钱,冲过终点! Chinese American Communities in the USA for Michelle Wu 点击捐款, 多少不限.   Hi everyone — it’s Anthony from Team Wu, here with another organizing update as we head into the final days of GOTV to get Michelle Wu into the Mayor’s Office. We’ve had a very exciting past week aboard the Wu Train, including our successful Weekend of Early Voting in which we held two great events with Senator Elizabeth Warren and Congresswoman Ayanna Pressley! Together, we knocked on almost  11,000 doors , called over  14,000 voters , and texted  43,000 voters  with the help of over  300 volunteers  citywide! With  early voting underway  and Bostonians already casting their ballots, we need to keep up our momentum.  We’ve listed all the ways you can get involved in the coming days below. All volunteers, regardless of experience level, are welcome to joi

同心协力, 冲过终点!So close to victory! So sweet of victory! So much in need of your support!

同心协力, 冲过终点! 出钱出力,胜利在望! So close to victory!  So sweet of victory!  So much in need of your support! Michelle's victory in Boston Mayor race  will be the best present for the Chinese Americans in the United States! The most recent Poll finds Michelle Wu has a commanding lead over Annissa Essaibi George in Boston mayoral race 2021全美华裔亚裔声援吴弭胜选波士顿市长 最后的呼吁与挑战! 同心协力,赞出来,出力,出钱,冲过终点! Chinese American Communities in the USA for Michelle Wu 点击捐款, 多少不限. 2021全美华裔亚裔声援吴弭胜选波士顿市长 最后的呼吁与挑战! 同心协力,赞出来,出力,出钱,冲过终点! Chinese American Communities in the USA for Michelle Wu 点击捐款, 多少不限.   2021全美华裔亚裔声援吴弭胜选波士顿市长 最后的呼吁与挑战! 同心协力,赞出来,出力,出钱,冲过终点! Chinese American Communities in the USA for Michelle Wu 点击捐款, 多少不限. 2021全美华裔亚裔声援吴弭胜选波士顿市长 最后的呼吁与挑战! 同心协力,赞出来,出力,出钱,冲过终点! Chinese American Communities in the USA for Michelle Wu 点击捐款, 多少不限. 2021全美华裔亚裔声援吴弭胜选波士顿市长 最后的呼吁与挑战! 同心协力,赞出来,出力,出钱,冲过终点! Chinese American Communities in the USA for Michelle Wu 点击捐款, 多少不限. 2021全美华裔亚裔声援吴弭胜选波士顿市长 最后的呼吁与挑战! 同心协力,赞出来,出力,出钱,冲过终点! Chinese Am

36岁职业妈妈吴弭带着“普通移民”的 故事- 做着改变普通人命运的大事儿!

Perspective Boston Mayor Wu 最新信息!!! 最后冲刺!改变历史!Michelle Wu(吳弭)在市长初选举中以显著优势荣获第一, 最新民调显示她遥遥领先对手30%,获得Boston各族裔、各阶层的大力支持。前天《波斯顿环球报》发表社论支持Michelle Wu!如无意外,她将是波士顿第一位亚裔市长,也是全美大城市首位华裔女市长!Michelle是华裔下一代的骄傲,说一口流利国语,芝加哥长大,哈佛本科和法学院毕业,曾停职照顾有精神疾病的妈妈及年幼小妹。She is the real deal!不久前全美各地华人社区为她募款超过$70,000 (不含SuperPAC募捐数)。我们相信在这最后一周里,各地华人一定能为Michelle筹够$100,000,为她最后的冲刺、最后的总动员做出我们应尽的努力和一份心意!您必定会对您所给予她的帮助感到无比的荣幸和自豪!Donation link: 《Nice to meet you》MV Michelle For Boston 哈佛才女候选波士顿市长,36岁职业妈妈吴弭的故事 36岁职业妈妈吴弭带着“普通移民”的 故事- 做着改变命运的大事儿! -她普普通通, 她感人至深- 同样的经历, 一样的感受,  共同的意愿, 超人的意志! Chinese American Communities for Michelle Wu 今天是要来跟大家聊聊父母都来自于中国台湾的华裔女性,吴弭,的故事。 一位非常可能打破200年来波士顿市长都是由白人男性担任的传统,成为美国东北第一大城,同时也是全美医学、法律、生物工程、信息工程、商业重镇,波士顿,的第一位华裔女性市长。 AFATAG|《波士谈》第1期波士顿市长候选人吴弭访谈录“那一抹靓丽的紫色” 如果没有时间加入电话拜票,可以为吴弥捐款 为她的出征准备粮草。捐款请用竞选总部为亚裔华裔设置的专属通道: 呼吁大家出钱出力,为波士顿出现首位华裔女市长贡献我们的力量。 这位华裔女性最近成为全美关注焦点,毕竟在全美最古老,也广被认为代表着传统的波士顿,200年来市