美国华人联合会精神健康团队:9月是自杀预防宣传月: 历时数月,《打破沉默》视频终于上线!


美国华人联合会精神健康项目 UCA WAVES 总第 2 期

UCA WAVES Newsletter September 2023

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Big Idea Talk - Break the Silences


September is Suicide Prevention Awareness Month, and here is our WAVES Director's big idea talk addressing mental health and suicide in the AAPI community.










“Too often, parents lose a child to suicide. In Chinese culture, we value education, but there is no mention of psychological health. As a nurse, I didn’t have training in mental health. I had to learn from my daughter.”

—— UCA WAVE'S Project Director, Lily Chen, shares her story during the graduation of the three-year Robert Wood Johnson Foundation Clinical Scholar Leadership Development Program (RWJF).

这个由UCA WAVES项目总负责人Lily Chen主讲的视频,经过数月的准备、现场演讲、后期制作,才终于上线!我们希望能够通过广泛传播这个视频,打破模范少数族裔的沉默,提高亚洲移民家庭心理健康意识和减少耻辱感。让我们的华裔社区的心理健康问题能够被看到、听到和支持——从而拯救更多的生命!

视频制作:Robert Wood Johnson Foundation RWJF Clinical Scholar 

协作团队:Breaking Silence Team 

字幕添加:UCA WAVES 团队 Changfu Chang, Yan Wu

Breaking Silences Team

——(From right)Lily Chen, Justin Chen, Juliana Chen, Weiyang Xie 

Breaking Silences in the Model Minority: A national intervention to increase mental health awareness and decrease stigma in Asian immigrant families. Our project tackles the problem of mental health and suicide in Chinese immigrant families.

《打破沉默》团包括Lily Chen, Justin Chen, Juliana Chen, Weiyang Xie ,致力于改善/缓解中国移民家庭的心理健康和自杀问题。打破模范少数族裔的沉默,提高亚洲移民家庭心理健康意识和减少耻辱感。

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Pathways Forward Action Plans to Advance AA, NH, and PI Mental Health

SAMSA会议- 改善亚太裔社区心理和行为健康的行动计划

UCA WAVES Director Lily Chen and MHACC Founder & Deputy Director Elaine Peng have been invited to the 8/28-8/29 SAMHSA (Substance Abuse and Mental Health Services Administration) meeting, joining other National AAPI organization leaders across the country to discuss strategy and action plans to improve the mental & behavioral health of the AA/NH/PI community. 

8月28-29日,UCA WAVES负责人Lily Chen和美国华裔精神健康联盟负责人Elaine Peng被邀请参加SAMHSA会议,与全国其他亚太裔组织领导人一起讨论改善亚太裔社区心理和行为健康的战略和行动计划。

From left:

Elaine Peng, MHACC Founder & Deputy Director

Steven Whitehorn, SAMHSA mental health training grant program officer

Dr. Miriam Delphin-Rittmon, Assistant Secretary for Mental Health and Substance Use

Lily Chen, UCA WAVES Director

From left:

Warren Ng, American Academy of Child and Adolescent Psychiatry

Elaine Peng, MHACC Founder & Deputy Director

Lark Huang, Director of SAMHSA Office of Behavioral Health Equity

Lily Chen, UCA WAVES Director

From left:

Lily Chen, UCA WAVES Director

Tenly Biggs, Deputy Director of SAMHSA Office of Behavioral Health Equity

Unity in Healing, Rebuilding Connection



UCA WAVES strongly condemns all acts of violence and expresses our deepest condolences to Dr. Yan and his loved ones. We will continue to monitor the incident and its impact on the broader community. We welcome the opportunity to join forces with other community organizations in providing assistance to those affected by this tragic incident. Respect for the privacy of all parties involved and affected needs to be a priority for all, and we hope that with more compassion and community resources, we can emerge from this tragic moment a stronger and more resilient community. 

美国华人联合会精神健康项目(UCA WAVES)对北卡大学发生的这起悲惨的枪击事件深感悲痛,并向遇难者家属表示哀悼。我们强烈谴责任何形式的暴力行为,愿意与各大社团和个人联合起来提供力所能及的帮助。请各位同胞在关注事件发展的同时保护各方隐私,让我们相互支持和关爱,共同渡过这个艰难的时刻。

Pray for Dr. Zijie Yan

UNC-Chapel Hill campus and community members gathered at the Morehead-Patterson Bell Tower at 1:02 pm on Wednesday, Aug. 30, for a memorial ringing in honor of faculty member Zijie Yan, who was killed in Caudill Labs on Monday.


It is with great sorrow that we share the tragic loss of Dr. Zijie Yan.

Lily Chen代表WAVES献花哀悼严资杰教授。

Mental Health Resources

UCA WAVES联合 MHACC 在今年举办了多次“精神健康急救员培训”,该培训是一门以技能为主的认证课程,由美国心理健康委员会管理。这个课程教授学员如何识别、理解和应对心理危机的体征和症状,以及对药物成瘾的挑战。


The Mental Health First Aid Trainings aim to educate the community about mental health and boost their ability to prevent or handle crises, allowing them to become "mental health guardians" for themselves and their loved ones.

Managed by the National Council for Mental Wellbeing, this certification course equips attendees with skills to recognize and respond to crises and substance abuse symptoms. Successful participants earn a globally recognized "MHFA Certificate".

Our hearts are with the family personally connected to the victim and those traumatized by this senseless act of violence.

Mental health is paramount. There are resources available to support you now and in the days ahead. 



UNC adds mental health resources after shooting on Chapel Hill campus. Click the button to find more resources.

UNC校园枪击案后,学校提供给教职工和学生的心理健康资源增加了。点击下面“Read More”可以找到更多相关资源。

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Marching on Washington

2023年8月26日,在美国华人联合会(UCA)组织下,来自全国各地的数百名会员及合作组织伙伴们,包括UCA WAVES项目负责人Lily Chen, Laura Liu , Changfu Chang,一同在上午齐聚首都华盛顿特区林肯纪念堂,纪念马丁·路德·金(Martin Luther King Jr.)“我有一个梦想”演讲60周年并参与游行,大获成功,受到了各族裔参加者和众多媒体的关注和赞赏。

On August 26th, UCA WAVES leader Lily Chen, Laura Liu , Changfu Chang at the Lincoln Memorial for March On Washington 60th years. In solidarity with the hundreds of civil rights groups represented here and standing shoulder to shoulder (literally).

Inspiring speakers and energized crowds resounded calls for equity and resources for all underserved communities, addressing topics including HealthEquity, Mental Health ,Youth Support, Gun Control, Fair Wages and more.

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【时代周刊封面故事 】参议员费特曼如何走出抑郁深渊



When he looks back on the past year—a year in which he nearly died, became a U.S. Senator, and nearly died again—

Senator Fetterman has settled in to talk, through tears, about his treatment for and recovery from the severe depression that followed. 

Being survived, Fetterman emerged transformed, he says, and has become an evangelist for the treatment he believes saved his life. This openness about a serious, ongoing mental-­health ordeal has put Fetterman in uncharted territory for an American politician.

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A total of 49,449 Americans died by suicide in 2022, the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention said Thursday.

This is a 2.6% increase from 48,183 in 2021 and the highest number ever recorded, according to provisional numbers released in a new report from the federal health agency.

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