2022 General Election Mail-in ballot status, ballot errors and what to do


From our partner in the Community:

Dear Friends,


Did you or someone you know vote by mail (or absentee ballot) for the November 8th, 2022 General Election? Check the status of your ballot via the Ballot Tracking tool on PAVoterServices.PA.gov 

Of the 105,000 mail-in ballots returned so far, 3,405 have been determined to have issues that may prevent them from being counted. Could one of them be yours?

The Philadelphia City Commissioners have released four lists of returned mail-in ballots determined to be incomplete, incorrect, “naked” or otherwise at risk of NOT BEING COUNTED. Read the office’s full statement here.

You can access the individual lists on vote.phila.gov, or via the links below: 


Are you on one of those lists, and not sure what to do next? You have options to make sure that your vote is counted!


Voters with flawed ballots can:

  • REQUEST A REPLACEMENT BALLOT IN PERSON: Go to the Philadelphia County Board of Elections office (Philadelphia City Hall, Room #142) and request a replacement ballot. The Philadelphia County Board of Elections office is open from 9 a.m. - 5 p.m. on Monday, November 7th, and 9 a.m. to 8 p.m. on Election Day (Tuesday, November 8th). BOE staff will process your application and issue you a replacement ballot on the spot. You can then use the hallway privacy booths to fill out your replacement ballot, and return it to staff before you leave. You can also take your replacement ballot with you, and turn it in at any of our 18 mail-in ballot drop boxes located throughout the city. Voters unable to travel to the office due to a disability may authorize a “designated agent” to pick up a replacement ballot and/or return a completed ballot using the Designated Agent Form.

  • VOTE ON ELECTION DAY VIA PROVISIONAL BALLOT: You can go to your assigned polling location on Tuesday, November 8th, between 7 a.m. and 8 p.m., and request a provisional ballot. You can learn more about provisional ballots here. All valid votes cast via provisional ballot have the same impact as votes cast on the voting machines. Visit Atlas.Phila.gov/Voting and search your address to find your polling location.


REMEMBER, by voting, you can shape your community and the country by choosing to elect candidates who best represent your views and values. We are at a crucial point in time, not only for our city but for our nation. Now is your chance to speak up for yourself, your loved ones, and your community. Your voice is your vote, so stand up and be counted.


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