Committee of 100: The State of K-12 AAPI Curriculum Adoption Across the United States

Committee of 100 Publishes New Research on the Status of K-12 AAPI Curriculum Adoption Across the United States

Research reveals that seven states have statutes that require AAPI studies, with 10 more states and the District of Columbia requiring areas of AAPI studies through other means – more than previously reported

New York, New York (June 30, 2022) -- Committee of 100, a non-profit membership organization of prominent Chinese Americans, today unveiled a state-by-state analysis of the prevalence of existing and potential legislation requiring the teaching of Asian American and Pacific Islander (AAPI) history in K-12 social studies curriculum. The research revealed that 19 states have some form of AAPI studies in place, compared to the two or three states often highlighted in recent media stories.

“AAPI and Ethnic Studies Requirements for K-12 Students in America’s Public Schools” can be downloaded from the Committee of 100 websites here.

A Committee of 100 researchers analyzed the laws, regulations, bills, and publicly available curriculum standards of the 50 states and the District of Columbia to determine which states have existing K-12 AAPI or ethnic studies curriculum requirements or legislative action that would enact such requirements. Committee of 100 cross-referenced state legislature websites, state statutes, keyword Google searches, and LegiScan to assess the existence and status of legislation and statutes, as well as state department of education websites and publicly available curriculum standards issued by state regulators and boards of education to determine the prevalence of AAPI and ethnic studies academic standards. The research took place from July 27, 2021, to March 1, 2022.

“Public schools are critical in shaping citizens. In most states, schools do not require students to learn about the contributions of Americans of Asian descent, but Asian American history is American history. If they don’t learn this as children, how can students become citizens who will understand the challenges and struggles of all Americans?” said Zhengyu Huang, President of Committee of 100. “For nearly 200 years, the AAPI population has made impactful contributions to the U.S., but Asian Americans continue to fight against being seen as the perpetual foreigner.”

Educational curriculum and the standards set by states provide the framework by which students understand the world around them. Committee of 100’s research showcases that there are currently multiple active paths being pursued in various states, ensuring students gain access to learn about AAPI history and culture in the K-12 range.

“Standalone bills – which have garnered headlines as of late – are not always feasible. Other minority groups like the African American, Jewish American, Latino American, and Native American communities have all faced the same challenge in which their respective histories have been dramatically underserved and underrepresented. Committee of 100 is working to bring critical pieces of data under one umbrella, to provide a better understanding of the various state of progress on advancing AAPI curriculum across the U.S.,” Huang continued.

The Committee of 100’s research brief organizes the data into eight categories: 

states with established statutes that require an AAPI studies curriculum;
states with academic standards that include AAPI studies;
states with recently introduced bills that would require an AAPI studies curriculum;
states with established statutes that require ethnic studies curriculum;
states with academic standards that include ethnic studies;
states with recently introduced bills that would require ethnic studies curriculum;
states with established statutes or recently introduced bills for optional AAPI or ethnic studies that do not require curriculum; and
states with no statutes, academic standards, or bills for AAPI or ethnic studies.

Highlights from the research: Seven states have required AAPI curriculum statutes.
15 states have recently introduced bills to require the AAPI studies curriculum.
18 states have ethnic studies curriculum statutes that may or may not explicitly focus on AAPI populations.
23 more states and the District of Columbia have recently introduced such legislation.
12 states and the District of Columbia have AAPI studies academic standards.
27 states and the District of Columbia have ethnic studies standards.
24 states have either introduced or passed legislation related to AAPI or ethnic studies, but these policies do not require schools to teach AAPI or ethnic studies.
Seven states [Alaska, Kansas, Kentucky, Montana, North Dakota, South Dakota, and Wyoming] are uniquely identified as having nothing on the books related to APPI or ethnic studies curriculum or standards; no such statutes are in place, no such bills have been introduced in the last two years, and no such policies are included in existing academic standards.
This research from the Committee of 100 will be updated approximately every six months, as laws and regulations change. Those interested in downloading the research and map can do so here:

About Committee of 100
Committee of 100 is a non-profit U.S. leadership organization of prominent Chinese Americans in business, government, academia, healthcare, and the arts focused on public policy engagement, civic engagement, and philanthropy. For over 30 years, the Committee of 100 has served as the preeminent organization committed to the dual missions of promoting the full participation of Chinese Americans in all aspects of American life and constructive relations between the United States and Greater China. Visit and follow on Instagram, and Facebook, Twitter, LinkedIn for more information.

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Charles Zinkowski
Sr. Director of Marketing & Communications
Committee of 100

COMMITTEE OF 100 | Ensuring Full Inclusion in America, Advancing U.S.-China Relations
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