美国华人华侨博物馆捐款捐赠暨元旦升旗仪式圆满完成 Invitation to the Flag-Raising at the Chinese Americans Museum


Flag-Raising Ceremony at the American Chinese Museum


Happy New Year!

New Year Day, 1/1/2022

11 am

Chinese Americans and Friends
(Greater Philadelphia and Beyond)

Please join us and many more Chinese Americans and friends and ring in the new year with this meaningful event.

Bring your children along, young or old, and share the pride, the spirit of our community in fighting for justice and equality!

带上孩子, 带上家人, 邀请朋友一起来,


We are very happy to report that the Museum is in its last development stage and plans for a grand official opening in May 2022. Please stay tuned.

We thank the American Chinese United Association (ACUA), especially Mr. Jason Lam and his team, for funding this monumental project and efforts in establishing this museum.

See Flyer below for details.

All Guests can enjoy a free museum tour before and after the flag-raising ceremony. 

Invitation to the Flag-Raising at the Chinese Americans Museum On New Year’s Day 2022

The Chinese American Museum (ACM) in Northeast Philadelphia is a timely and monumental undertaking. Currently, in its last stage of development and curation,  ACM  is the first and only Museum in our greater Philly region dedicated to the Chinese American story – its history, culture, and our struggle for racial equality and justice. 

The ACM will be the prime outlet to showcase the history and culture, especially the contributions by the Chinese Americans during the last two centuries, and where we are heading in our struggle for equality and justice. ACM will also serve as a portal for Chinese Americans to connect with communities, building a better Philadelphia and America for all.

The Museum will be officially open to the public this coming May.

To ring in the new year, we invite you to join the American Chinese United and many other organizations, friends, and dignitaries for a special Flag-raising ceremony on new year's day.

Attendees will also have an opportunity to tour the Museum before and after the ceremony.


明朗中文班, 数学班, 绘画班, 及各个俱乐部采用全年滚动招生, 欢迎咨询。


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