与会过千, 回放过万! 国会成功举办首次特别圆桌会议,关注探讨在美华裔科学家的处境 意义重大, 关系你我!


Oversight Committee Presents
意义重大, 关系你我!
与会过千, 探讨在美华裔科学家的处境和对策。


Researching While Chinese Americans
A timely Discussion of this Critical Topic Concerning all Chinese Americans, Now and Forever!
Congressional Roundtable 讨论司法部针对华人学者的racial profiling问题。与会者包括斯坦福大学朱棣文教授,Temple大学郗小星教授,National weather service的陈霞芬(Sherry Chen)教授,伯克利加州大学的Randy Katz教授。youtube直播  https://youtu.be/G24w7d2_owo  学术界一直在努力改变联邦政府不公正不明智的针对华人和其他与中国有联系的学者的打压政策。这个圆桌会议是一个重要的事件,希望能够让更多的人知道和重视这个问题。

Read Full Report Here:
如果你公务缠身未能到会, 请你点击全程观看, 定会有收获!!

Chinese Americans have been facing two pandemics for the last two years. One biological, one artificial (man-made)!

Now, We are caught deeply and painfully in the Crossfire of the transitional, twisted,  unpredictable, and turbulent Sino-Us relationship!!

Be there, And be a part of the conversation!!
If you deem this matter not to concern you, you are running away from reality and your responsibility of being a member of the Chinese American community in the United States.

6月30号下午,美东3:30, 陈霞芬、郗小星受邀参加了由国会举办的特别圆桌会议,分享了个人及家庭受到的无辜迫害,和议员们一起探讨在美华裔科学家的处境。这是首次由国会人权和自由委员会、亚太裔议员团联合举办的探讨针对亚裔科学家的种族定性的会议,时间及意义重大,有渝千人与会,呼吁支持亚裔科学家的维权。

转发微信会后感慨:听完整个forum,看来美国的法治精神“宁纵毋枉”到了China Initiative 就变成 “宁枉毋纵”

一,FBI 罗织的犯罪案,可以让人倾家荡产(丢差,花钱打官司),一家人饱受恐怖压力与异样眼光,连孩子都受到牵连。只要被盯上了,无论是否有罪,最后自己和家庭几乎都毁了。


三,FBI 办案控诉,无论有错没错,完全没有后果。何况FBI 从不认错。

同时,伯克利加州大学的Randy Katz教授说的好,这不符合美国价值,必须改变和停止。


APAPA Ohio and OCAA cordially invite you to attend the following important event. This is the result of months-long advocacy work with Congress by many individuals and organizations that are concerned about racial profiling targeting Asian Americans, especially Chinese Americans. It's virtual so anyone from across the country is welcome to join. Please feel free to share widely.

Congressional Roundtable: "Researching while Chinese American: Ethnic Profiling, Chinese American Scientists and a New American Brain Drain” 
please join the cause!
           Hosted by Representative Jamie Raskin, Chair of the Subcommittee on Civil Rights and Civil Liberties, and Representative Judy Chu, Chair of the Congressional Asian Pacific American Caucus

           Speakers: Xiaoxing Xi, Sherry Chen, Randy Katz

           Wednesday, June 30 at 3:30 pm ET / 12:30 pm PT

           YouTube Live: 

          APA Justice has submitted a statement for the roundtable and we encourage you to do so as well. Statements can be submitted after the hearing if necessary.
请大家积极提问, 发表评论, 
Please use this form to submit a statement/comment: https://bit.ly/SubmitStatement

On Wednesday, June 30, 2021, at 3:30 p.m. ET, Representative Jamie Raskin, Chair of the Subcommittee on Civil Rights and Civil Liberties, and Representative Judy Chu, Chair of the Congressional Asian Pacific American Caucus, held a roundtable entitled “Researching while Chinese American: Ethnic Profiling, Chinese American Scientists and a New American Brain Drain.” The Department of Justice (DOJ) has long targeted Chinese Americans in extensive investigations into foreign espionage, leading to multiple false arrests of innocent Chinese American scientists. These efforts ramped up in federal agencies under the Trump Administration’s China Initiative, causing numerous scientists to lose their jobs despite not unveiling chargeable criminal conduct. This roundtable will examine the federal government’s alleged racial profiling of Chinese American scientists, and address how the continued harassment harms the broader U.S. scientific community. 

WHAT:  Roundtable entitled “Researching while Chinese American: Ethnic Profiling, Chinese American Scientists and a New American Brain Drain.” 

WHEN: Wednesday, June 30, 2021, at 3:30 p.m. ET

WHO:   Xiaoxing Xi, Laura H. Carnell Professor of Physics, Temple University*
             Sherry Chen, Hydrologist, Ohio River Forecast Center, National Weather Service, NOAA*
             Steven Chu, Former Secretary of Energy, Professor, Stanford University*
             Randy Katz, Vice Chancellor for Research and United Microelectronics Corporation DistinguishedProfessor in Electrical Engineering and Computer Science, University of California, Berkeley*
             *Affiliation for identification purposes only

Susan Lee, Maryland Senate Majority Whip, has issued a letter to urge everyone to attend this important meeting which is a result of months-long advocacy efforts of many organizations and individuals. Read Senator Susan Lee's letter here.

Mark your calendar and join in tomorrow, June 30th, at 3:30 EDT

A strong sense of ethical pride is more important than ever to be a true American and to succeed personally and professionally in today's America. We invite you and your children to check out the Special Summer Camp presented pointedly by MLCCC and 美华史记:

Learn Mandarin and much more with us at MLCCC's Virtual Summer Camp, Registration is here

Join MLCCC Summer Camp Special Class in celebration of the AAPI Heritage Month and our Fight for Racial Justice for AAPI communities: 
"The Pioneering Chinese Americans"
In partnership with "美华史记". 


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